Thursday, March 28, 2013

How herpesvirus invades nervous system

Mar. 27, 2013 ? Northwestern Medicine scientists have identified a component of the herpesvirus that "hijacks" machinery inside human cells, allowing the virus to rapidly and successfully invade the nervous system upon initial exposure.

Led by Gregory Smith, associate professor in immunology and microbiology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, researchers found that viral protein 1-2, or VP1/2, allows the herpesvirus to interact with cellular motors, known as dynein. Once the protein has overtaken this motor, the virus can speed along intercellular highways, or microtubules, to move unobstructed from the tips of nerves in skin to the nuclei of neurons within the nervous system.

This is the first time researchers have shown a viral protein directly engaging and subverting the cellular motor; most other viruses passively hitch a ride into the nervous system.

"This protein not only grabs the wheel, it steps on the gas," says Smith. "Overtaking the cellular motor to invade the nervous system is a complicated accomplishment that most viruses are incapable of achieving. Yet the herpesvirus uses one protein, no others required, to transport its genetic information over long distances without stopping."

Herpesvirus is widespread in humans and affects more than 90 percent of adults in the United States. It is associated with several types of recurring diseases, including cold sores, genital herpes, chicken pox, and shingles. The virus can live dormant in humans for a lifetime, and most infected people do not know they are disease carriers. The virus can occasionally turn deadly, resulting in encephalitis in some.

Until now, scientists knew that herpesviruses travel quickly to reach neurons located deep inside the body, but the mechanism by which they advance remained a mystery.

Smith's team conducted a variety of experiments with VP1/2 to demonstrate its important role in transporting the virus, including artificial activation and genetic mutation of the protein. The team studied the herpesvirus in animals, and also in human and animal cells in culture under high-resolution microscopy. In one experiment, scientists mutated the virus with a slower form of the protein dyed red, and raced it against a healthy virus dyed green. They observed that the healthy virus outran the mutated version down nerves to the neuron body to insert DNA and establish infection.

"Remarkably, this viral protein can be artificially activated, and in these conditions it zips around within cells in the absence of any virus. It is striking to watch," Smith says.

He says that understanding how the viruses move within people, especially from the skin to the nervous system, can help better prevent the virus from spreading.

Additionally, Smith says, "By learning how the virus infects our nervous system, we can mimic this process to treat unrelated neurologic diseases. Even now, laboratories are working on how to use herpesviruses to deliver genes into the nervous system and kill cancer cells."

Smith's team will next work to better understand how the protein functions. He notes that many researchers use viruses to learn how neurons are connected to the brain.

"Some of our mutants will advance brain mapping studies by resolving these connections more clearly than was previously possible," he says.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Northwestern University, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Sofia?V. Zaichick, Kevin?P. Bohannon, Ami Hughes, Patricia?J. Sollars, Gary?E. Pickard, Gregory?A. Smith. The Herpesvirus VP1/2 Protein Is an Effector of Dynein-Mediated Capsid Transport and Neuroinvasion. Cell Host & Microbe, 2013; 13 (2): 193 DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2013.01.009

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

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Mindfulness improves reading ability, working memory, and task-focus

Mar. 26, 2013 ? If you think your inability to concentrate is a hopeless condition, think again -- and breathe, and focus. According to a study by researchers at the UC Santa Barbara, as little as two weeks of mindfulness training can significantly improve one's reading comprehension, working memory capacity, and ability to focus.

Their findings were recently published online in the empirical psychology journal Psychological Science.

"What surprised me the most was actually the clarity of the results," said Michael Mrazek, graduate student researcher in psychology and the lead and corresponding author of the paper, "Mindfulness Training Improves Working Memory Capacity and GRE Performance While Reducing Mind Wandering." "Even with a rigorous design and effective training program, it wouldn't be unusual to find mixed results. But we found reduced mind-wandering in every way we measured it."

Many psychologists define mindfulness as a state of non-distraction characterized by full engagement with our current task or situation. For much of our waking hours, however, we are anything but mindful. We tend to replay past events -- like the fight we just had or the person who just cut us off on the freeway -- or we think ahead to future circumstances, such as our plans for the weekend.

Mind-wandering may not be a serious issue in many circumstances, but in tasks requiring attention, the ability to stay focused is crucial.

To investigate whether mindfulness training can reduce mind-wandering and thereby improve performance, the scientists randomly assigned 48 undergraduate students to either a class that taught the practice of mindfulness or a class that covered fundamental topics in nutrition. Both classes were taught by professionals with extensive teaching experience in their fields. Within a week before the classes, the students were given two tests: a modified verbal reasoning test from the GRE (Graduate Record Examination) and a working memory capacity (WMC) test. Mind-wandering during both tests was also measured.

The mindfulness classes provided a conceptual introduction along with practical instruction on how to practice mindfulness in both targeted exercises and daily life. Meanwhile, the nutrition class taught nutrition science and strategies for healthy eating, and required students to log their daily food intake.

Within a week after the classes ended, the students were tested again. Their scores indicated that the mindfulness group significantly improved on both the verbal GRE test and the working memory capacity test. They also mind-wandered less during testing. None of these changes were true of the nutrition group.

"This is the most complete and rigorous demonstration that mindfulness can reduce mind-wandering, one of the clearest demonstrations that mindfulness can improve working memory and reading, and the first study to tie all this together to show that mind-wandering mediates the improvements in performance," said Mrazek. He added that the research establishes with greater certainty that some cognitive abilities often seen as immutable, such as working memory capacity, can be improved through mindfulness training.

Mrazek and the rest of the research team -- which includes Michael S. Franklin, project scientist; mindfulness teacher and research specialist Dawa Tarchin Phillips; graduate student Benjamin Baird; and senior investigator Jonathan Schooler, professor of psychological and brain sciences -- are extending their work by investigating whether similar results can be achieved with younger populations, or with web-based mindfulness interventions. They are also examining whether or not the benefits of mindfulness can be compounded by a program of personal development that also targets nutrition, exercise, sleep, and personal relationships.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California - Santa Barbara.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

If You Can?t Change The Amount of Stress You?re Under, Change Your Mindset Instead

If You Can’t Change The Amount of Stress You’re Under, Change Your Mindset Instead Too much stress can have serious effects on your body and health, but alleviating it isn't as simple as just not doing the things that stress you out. All the things that stress you out?your job, your boss, your kids?they're still there. What you can change, however, is your mindset and approach to handling that stress, and new research indicates that may be just as effective.

Over at The Harvard Business Review, Heidi Grant Halvorson, Ph.D. (who's work you've seen here before) explains that sometimes it's your approach to stressful events and chronic stressors that matters more than the way you handle them after the fact. We focus frequently on coping mechanisms that help you minimize the effects of stress, but she points out that with a healthy mindset and approach to stressful situations?one that looks at the stress you experience as something that can strengthen you instead of harm you?you'll weather the stressful storm a bit better.

The full study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, turned up some surprising results:

in their studies, Crum and colleagues began by identifying stress mindsets among a group of nearly 400 employees of an international financial institution. They found that those employees who had stress-is-enhancing mindsets (compared to stress-is-debilitating) reported having better health, greater life satisfaction, and superior work performance.

That's already rather amazing, but here's the best part - your mindset can also change! If you have been living with a stress-is-debilitating mindset (like most of us), you don't have to be stuck with it. A subset of the 400 employees in the aforementioned study were shown a series of three-minute videos over the course of the following week, illustrating either the enhancing or debilitating effects of stress on health, performance, and personal growth. Those in the stress-is-enhancing group (i.e., the lucky ones) reported significant increases in both well-being and work performance.

Now to be clear, the study isn't saying that stress doesn't stress you out, or that too much stress is somehow healthy. What the researchers point out is that your attitude and approach matter a lot, almost as much as knowing how to cope with the stress afterward. In fact, take the study results with a healthy dose of skepticism. The results are preliminary, and just one study in the face of a mountain of research about stress. However, there's no harm (and everything good) about changing your mindset towards the things that stress you out, and if there are tangible health and lifestyle benefits to doing so (and they're backed up by some research), then by all means, do it.

How You Can Benefit from All Your Stress | Harvard Business Review

Photo by rick.


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Monday, March 25, 2013

?perhaps the greatest anomaly in finance? | The Reformed Broker

  • Joshua M Brown
  • March 24th, 2013

The financial blogosphere has been talking about the Low Volatility Anomaly forever. The anomaly, referred to as "the greatest" and "the last" given it's staying power and refusal to go away, shows that over long stretches of time equity investors are actually rewarded more for taking less risk (holding quieter stocks) than for taking more risk (with exciting growth stocks).

This concept flies in the face of centuries-old investing wisdom and even basic human common sense! Since our earliest primitive ancestor braved the beehive to bring home sweet, sweet honey to his mate and children, we've been hardwired to believe that Fortune Favors the Bold (as the poet Virgil told us) and that only by going out on a limb could we ever truly find great success.

In what other endeavor are we taught that big rewards come with lower risk? And yet the persistent long-term outperformance of Low Volatility stocks stares us right in the face each day, any time we look at the data.

The way this works - according to the academic literature produced on the topic (reams and reams of it) is that investors tend to overpay for growthier and sexier stocks, which then underperform as promised growth projections fall short and gravity goes to work on those excessively rich multiples. In the meantime, lower volatility stocks keep chugging along and rarely fall prey to huge swings given the "margin of safety" inherent in low-multiple, modestly valued companies.

The ETF arms dealers have been steadily churning out funds this year to capitalize on the phenomenon. They actually get two bites of the apple:

a) First they can show how the anomaly generates a steady, non-ostentatious alpha over the years.

b) then they can pitch it to risk-averse investors who need to buy stocks but can't stomach the swings of full-blown beta given the Post Traumatic Stock Syndrome that remains so prevalent amongst the investor class.

The most well-known vehicle in the low-vol space is SPLV - essentially a basket of the steadier, more defensive names in the S&P (utilities, consumer staples, etc). The fund is two years old and has raised an impressive $4.1 billion since launching, no easy feat in such a noisy ETF marketplace.

John Spence's latest blog post on the subject at ETF Trends shows us that SPLV no longer has the field to itself - the new entrants are rolling off the assembly line like gleaming new automobiles...

Other low-volatility ETFs include iShares MSCI USA Minimum Volatility ETF (NYSEArca: USMV), PowerShares S&P International Developed Low Volatility (NYSEArca: IDLV) and iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Minimum Volatility (NYSEArca: EEMV).

State Street (NYSE: STT) recently launched its first low-volatility ETFs: SPDR Russell 2000 Low Volatility ETF (NYSEArca: SMLV) and SPDR Russell 1000 Low Volatility ETF (NYSEArca: LGLV).

The one caveat I want to add (that I've not seen mentioned elsewhere) is that, these days, traditionally low volatility stocks are not quite as cheap as they used to be.

Utilities and Telecoms - which are frequently loaded into these low-vol products - are two of the most expensive sectors in the S&P on a PE multiple basis right now. These stocks are trading at high valuations historically on both a relative and absolute basis - thanks to their perceived safety and high dividend yields. Utilities trade at 16 times trailing earnings versus the S&P 500's multiple of 15.25 - and don't even get me started on Telecoms at 23 times last year's earnings, an absurdity to be sure.

What future effect this Fed-induced perversion will have on the low-vol indexes and products that hold these securities in size remains to be seen.

The other thing to keep in mind is that in a true bull market - one in which cyclical stocks and growth stocks enjoy expanding earnings and multiples - you can expect so-called low-vol stocks to get hit as investors exit to chase the shiny stuff. Flight from Utilities would especially knock down the share price of SPLV as it currently carries a 30% weighting to the sector, or 10 times the weighting the S&P 500 gives these stocks.

Just be forewarned, there is no such thing as "works all the time" - low volatility or otherwise.

Full Disclosure: Nothing on this site should ever be considered to be advice, research or an invitation to buy or sell any securities, please see my Terms & Conditions page for a full disclaimer.

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Depression stems from miscommunication between brain cells

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A new study from the University of Maryland School of Medicine suggests that depression results from a disturbance in the ability of brain cells to communicate with each other. The study indicates a major shift in our understanding of how depression is caused and how it should be treated. Instead of focusing on the levels of hormone-like chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin, the scientists found that the transmission of excitatory signals between cells becomes abnormal in depression. The research, by senior author Scott M. Thompson, Ph.D., Professor and Interim Chair of the Department of Physiology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, was published online in the March 17 issue of Nature Neuroscience.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 2005 and 2008, approximately one in 10 Americans were treated for depression, with women more than twice as likely as men to become depressed. The most common antidepressant medications, such as Prozac, Zoloft and Celexa, work by preventing brain cells from absorbing serotonin, resulting in an increase in its concentration in the brain. Unfortunately, these medications are effective in only about half of patients. Because elevation of serotonin makes some depressed patients feel better, it has been thought for over 50 years that the cause of depression must therefore be an insufficient level of serotonin. The new University of Maryland study challenges that long-standing explanation.

"Dr. Thompson's groundbreaking research could alter the field of psychiatric medicine, changing how we understand the crippling public health problem of depression and other mental illness," says E. Albert Reece, M.D., Ph.D., M.B.A., Vice President for Medical Affairs at the University of Maryland and John Z. and Akiko K. Bowers Distinguished Professor and Dean at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. "This is the type of cutting-edge science that we strive toward at the University of Maryland, where discoveries made in the laboratory can impact the clinical practice of medicine."

Depression affects more than a quarter of all U.S. adults at some point in their lives, and the World Health Organization predicts that by 2020 it will be the second leading cause of disability worldwide. Depression is also the leading risk factor for suicide, which causes twice as many deaths as murder, and is the third leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds.

The first major finding of the study was the discovery that serotonin has a previously unknown ability to strengthen the communication between brain cells. "Like speaking louder to your companion at a noisy cocktail party, serotonin amplifies excitatory interactions in brain regions important for emotional and cognitive function and apparently helps to make sure that crucial conversations between neurons get heard," says Dr. Thompson. "Then we asked, does this action of serotonin play any role in the therapeutic action of drugs like Prozac?"

To understand what might be wrong in the brains of patients with depression and how elevating serotonin might relieve their symptoms, the study team examined the brains of rats and mice that had been repeatedly exposed to various mildly stressful conditions, comparable to the types of psychological stressors that can trigger depression in people.

The researchers could tell that their animals became depressed because they lost their preference for things that are normally pleasurable. For example, normal animals given a choice of drinking plain water or sugar water strongly prefer the sugary solution. Study animals exposed to repeated stress, however, lost their preference for the sugar water, indicating that they no longer found it rewarding. This depression-like behavior strongly mimics one hallmark of human depression, called anhedonia, in which patients no longer feel rewarded by the pleasures of a nice meal or a good movie, the love of their friends and family, and countless other daily interactions.

A comparison of the activity of the animals' brain cells in normal and stressed rats revealed that stress had no effect on the levels of serotonin in the 'depressed' brains. Instead, it was the excitatory connections that responded to serotonin in strikingly different manner. These changes could be reversed by treating the stressed animals with antidepressants until their normal behavior was restored.

"In the depressed brain, serotonin appears to be trying hard to amplify that cocktail party conversation, but the message still doesn't get through," says Dr. Thompson. Using specially engineered mice created by collaborators at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the study also revealed that the ability of serotonin to strengthen excitatory connections was required for drugs like antidepressants to work.

Sustained enhancement of communication between brain cells is considered one of the major processes underlying memory and learning. The team's observations that excitatory brain cell function is altered in models of depression could explain why people with depression often have difficulty concentrating, remembering details, or making decisions. Additionally, the findings suggest that the search for new and better antidepressant compounds should be shifted from drugs that elevate serotonin to drugs that strengthen excitatory connections.

"Although more work is needed, we believe that a malfunction of excitatory connections is fundamental to the origins of depression and that restoring normal communication in the brain, something that serotonin apparently does in successfully treated patients, is critical to relieving the symptoms of this devastating disease," Dr. Thompson explains.


University of Maryland Medical Center:

Thanks to University of Maryland Medical Center for this article.

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Flush With Oil, Abu Dhabi Opens World's Largest Solar Plant

Rows of parabolic mirrors at the Shams 1 plant in Abu Dhabi.

Marwan Naamani/AFP/Getty Images

Rows of parabolic mirrors at the Shams 1 plant in Abu Dhabi.

Marwan Naamani/AFP/Getty Images

Abu Dhabi, the most oil-rich of the United Arab Emirates, is now home to the world's single-largest concentrated solar power plant.

The 100-megawatt Shams 1 plant cost an estimated $750 million and is expected to provide electricity to 20,000 homes, according to the BBC.

Why, you might ask?

Bloomberg says the less oil Abu Dhabi uses for local consumption, the more it can export.

Sultan Ahmed al Jaber, head of Abu Dhabi Future Energy Co., speaking at a news conference for the plant's opening over the weekend, said it is part of a "strategic plan to diversify energy sources in Abu Dhabi."

"Together, with clean energy and nuclear energy, it will make up 7 percent of Abu Dhabi's energy sources from renewable energy sources," he said.

Shams 1 uses 768 adjustable parabolic "trough mirrors" to focus sunlight onto a water boiler that produces steam, activates turbines and finally generates electricity, reports the website Clean Technica. The middle step in the process, it says, is to use natural gas to superheat the water.

The plant, located about 75 miles southwest of Abu Dhabi, is similar in design to Solar Energy Generating Systems (SEGS) located in California's Mojave Desert. Although Shams 1 claims to be the single-largest plant, the nine SEGS plants taken together generate more than three times as much energy and serve more than 10 times as many households at peak output.

Officials in Abu Dhabi hope Shams 1 will save 175,000 tons of carbon dioxide annually, the equivalent of taking 15,000 cars off the road. The plant is the first of several more on the drawing board.

The UAE's neighbor, Saudi Arabia, is on a similar tack with the most extensive renewable-energy program in the Middle East, Bloomberg reports:

"The country is seeking about $100 billion in investments to generate about 41,000 megawatts, or a third of its power, from solar by 2032. That compares with about 3 megawatts now, which puts it behind Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and the United Arab Emirates in capacity, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance."


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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fewer compensation claims for asbestos-related lung cancer than ...

Dated: 19/03/2013 ?Key Contact: Emma Costin ?? Although many sufferers of asbestos-related mesothelioma can now expect to claim compensation, the same is not true of lung cancer, regardless of whether the condition was caused by asbestos.

Asbestos Mesothelioma

According to the Health and Safety Executive?s (HSE's) awareness campaign, Asbestos: The Hidden Killer, 20 tradespeople die in Britain every week due to asbestos-related lung diseases.

Despite asbestos' ban in 1999, many people are still gravely affected by exposure to the material. While mesothelioma, an aggressive cancer that attacks the membrane around the lung, is the most notorious asbestos-related disease, others include a type of lung cancer similar to that linked to smoking.

However, perhaps due to the smoking connection, fewer compensation awards are made for asbestos-related lung cancer.

With some 4,000 fatalities annually and rising, inhalation of asbestos fibres causes the UK's highest proportion of work-related deaths, mainly among tradespeople such as plumbers, builders, plasterers and electricians.

The HSE says that since the ban was enforced some years ago, many tradesmen believe risk is now negligible. But because asbestos remains present in about 500,000 older buildings, many built before the 1999 ban, workers are still in danger of exposure.

Loosening asbestos when a building containing the material is repaired, refurbished or demolished, particularly if the work involves cutting and drilling, can lead to inhalation of its fibres as fine dust.

If the exposure leads to mesothelioma, there is no known cure, although symptoms can be relieved and life prolonged by means of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Sufferers of mesothelioma can usually expect to be able to claim compensation. However, perhaps surprisingly, the same does not hold true for lung cancer, irrespective of whether contracting the latter was a direct result of asbestos exposure.

The HSE believes tradespeople must be educated about the dangers of asbestos and its relevance to them. "We want them to change the way they work so that they don't put their lives at risk," said Steve Coldrick, director of the HSE's Disease Reduction Programme.

If you are worried about the possible presence of asbestos at work, or you'd like to know more, the HSE has a helpline (0845 345 0055) and a web page ( from where you can obtain a free asbestos information pack and find out whereabouts in a building asbestos might be found.


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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Pa. lacrosse team bus crashes; pregnant coach dies

Emergency and rescue crews respond to the scene of a tour bus crash on the Pennsylvania Turnpike on Saturday, March 16, 2013 near Carlisle, Pa. Authorities say the tour bus crashed on the freeway at mile marker 227 in central Pennsylvania, and serious injuries have been reported. Megan Silverstram of the Cumberland County public safety department says the crash in the eastbound lanes of the Pennsylvania Turnpike was reported just before 9 a.m. Saturday. She says there are reports of multiple injuries, including that some are serious. (AP Photo/The Sentinel, Jason Malmont ) MANDATORY CREDIT

Emergency and rescue crews respond to the scene of a tour bus crash on the Pennsylvania Turnpike on Saturday, March 16, 2013 near Carlisle, Pa. Authorities say the tour bus crashed on the freeway at mile marker 227 in central Pennsylvania, and serious injuries have been reported. Megan Silverstram of the Cumberland County public safety department says the crash in the eastbound lanes of the Pennsylvania Turnpike was reported just before 9 a.m. Saturday. She says there are reports of multiple injuries, including that some are serious. (AP Photo/The Sentinel, Jason Malmont ) MANDATORY CREDIT

UPDATES INFORMATION ON BUS CRASH - Members of the Cumberland County Coroners Office investigate the scene of a tour bus crash on the Pennsylvania Turnpike on Saturday, March 16, 2013 near Carlisle, Pa. Authorities say the tour bus crashed on the freeway at mile marker 227 in central Pennsylvania, and serious injuries have been reported. Lacrosse players from Seton Hill University and three coaches were among the 23 people aboard when the bus crashed at about 9 a.m., turnpike spokeswoman Renee Colborn said. It's not clear what caused the crash, but state police were investigating, said Megan Silverstram of the Cumberland County public safety department. (AP Photo/The Sentinel, Jason Malmont ) MANDATORY CREDIT

Emergency and rescue crews respond to the scene of a tour bus crash on the Pennsylvania Turnpike on Saturday, March 16, 2013 near Carlisle, Pa. Authorities say the tour bus crashed on the freeway at mile marker 227 in central Pennsylvania, and serious injuries have been reported. Megan Silverstram of the Cumberland County public safety department says the crash in the eastbound lanes of the Pennsylvania Turnpike was reported just before 9 a.m. Saturday. She says there are reports of multiple injuries, including that some are serious. (AP Photo/The Sentinel, Jason Malmont ) MANDATORY CREDIT

UPDATES INFORMATION ON BUS CRASH - Emergency and rescue crews respond to the scene of a tour bus crash on the Pennsylvania Turnpike on Saturday, March 16, 2013 near Carlisle, Pa. Authorities say the tour bus crashed on the freeway at mile marker 227 in central Pennsylvania, and serious injuries have been reported. Lacrosse players from Seton Hill University and three coaches were among the 23 people aboard when the bus crashed at about 9 a.m., turnpike spokeswoman Renee Colborn said. It's not clear what caused the crash, but state police were investigating, said Megan Silverstram of the Cumberland County public safety department. (AP Photo/The Sentinel, Jason Malmont ) MANDATORY

UPDATES INFORMATION ON BUS CRASH - Emergency rescue crews remove a victim of a tour bus crash on the Pennsylvania Turnpike on Saturday, March 16, 2013 near Carlisle, Pa. Authorities say the tour bus crashed on the freeway at mile marker 227 in central Pennsylvania, and serious injuries have been reported. Lacrosse players from Seton Hill University and three coaches were among the 23 people aboard when the bus crashed at about 9 a.m., turnpike spokeswoman Renee Colborn said. It's not clear what caused the crash, but state police were investigating, said Megan Silverstram of the Cumberland County public safety department. (AP Photo/The Sentinel, Jason Malmont ) MANDATORY CREDIT

CARLISLE, Pa. (AP) ? A tour bus carrying a college's women's lacrosse team to a game went off the Pennsylvania Turnpike on Saturday and crashed into a tree, killing a pregnant coach and the driver and sending others to hospitals, authorities said.

Lacrosse players from Seton Hill University and three coaches were among the 23 people aboard when the bus crashed at about 9 a.m., turnpike spokeswoman Renee Colborn said. It's not clear what caused the crash, but state police were investigating, said Megan Silverstram of the Cumberland County public safety department.

Kristina Quigley of Greensburg, 30, was flown to a hospital and died there from injuries from the crash, Cumberland County authorities said Saturday that. They say Quigley was about six months pregnant and her unborn child did not survive. The driver, 61-year-old Anthony Guaetta of Johnstown, died at the scene of the crash.

Two other victims were flown by helicopter to Penn State Hershey Medical Center, hospital spokeswoman Danielle Ran said. She did not give their conditions. Officials said all other passengers were taken to hospitals as a precaution.

The bus came to a stop upright on the side of the road with part of its left side shorn off, photos from the scene showed, though it's unclear whether that was from the impact or rescue operation.

The lacrosse team was headed to play Saturday afternoon at Millersville University, about 50 miles from the crash site in central Pennsylvania, for its fourth game of the year. The Griffins were off to a promising start at 3-1 in the young season. Both Saturday's game and a Sunday home game were canceled after the crash, and Seton Hill, a Catholic school of about 2,500 students near Pittsburgh, said a memorial Mass was planned for Sunday night on campus.

Quigley, a native of Baltimore, was married and had a young son, Gavin, the school said. She was in her second season as coach and led the Griffins to 11 wins last year. She came to the school from Erskine College in Due West, S.C., where she started the school's NCAA Division II program. She also worked as an assistant coach at Duquesne, her alma mater in Pittsburgh, the school said.

The bus operator, Mlaker Charter & Tours, of Davidsville, Pa., is up to date on its inspections, which include bus and driver safety checks, said Jennifer Kocher, a spokeswoman for the state Public Utility Commission, which regulates bus companies.

The agency's motor safety inspectors could think of no accidents or violations involving the company that would raise a red flag, she said, though complete safety records were not available Saturday.

Mlaker sent investigators to the scene, company dispatcher Kelly Hay said. The company had no information yet from the investigators and could not comment, she said.

State environmental officials were also sent to the scene because of a diesel fuel spill from the bus.

On Tuesday, another bus carrying college lacrosse players from a Vermont team was hit by a sports car that spun out of control on a wet highway in upstate New York, sending the bus toppling onto its side, police said. One person in the car died.

And last month, a bus carrying 42 high school students from the Philadelphia area and their chaperones slammed into an overpass in Boston, injuring 35. Authorities said the driver had directed the bus onto a road with a height limit.

Associated Press


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Friday, March 15, 2013

Long-lasting Chemicals May Harm Sea Turtles

Lepidochelys kempii Kemp's ridley Baby sea turtles, like this Kemp's ridley hatchling, face an uphill fight for survival and bear a toxic burden. Image: Flickr/Terry Ross

From the moment they are born, sea turtles fight to survive. Buried alive, they dig themselves out and evade hungry crabs and birds as they crawl to the ocean, where they begin a long and treacherous migration. One out of 1,000 will survive into adulthood. And those that do will bear a toxic burden.

Scientists are discovering that sea turtles, long ignored by toxicologists who study wildlife, are highly contaminated with industrial chemicals and pesticides.

Loggerhead turtles have altered immune systems and smaller eggs that some studies have linked to contaminants. These chemicals kill turtle cells in lab experiments, and based on research in other marine life, scientists suspect that sea turtles may be vulnerable to thyroid, liver and neurological damage.

No one, however, knows the extent to which sea turtles in the wild may be harmed.

While other ocean creatures, including whales, seals and some fish, are well-studied, the chemical threats to sea turtles remain mostly hidden under a shell.

Decimated by climate change, poaching, accidental snaring and ocean trash, all U.S. species of sea turtles are protected by the Endangered Species Act, which makes studying them difficult.

"We really have just barely touched the tip of the iceberg," said Jennifer Keller, a marine biologist at the Hollings Marine Laboratory in Charleston, S.C. She is the top expert on pollution in sea turtles.

Sea turtles have some industrial compounds in their blood nearing levels that damage marine mammals. Keller's lab last year measured perfluorochemicals (PFCs) in the blood of five sea turtle species off the southeastern U.S. coast, and her calculations suggest that the turtles' potential risk for toxic effects is high.

Other long-lived chemicals also contaminate sea turtles, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which are widely used industrial compounds banned in the late 1970s, and brominated flame retardants.

"These chemicals may not acutely poison the animals, but they can make exposed individuals a little more vulnerable to opportunistic infections or new and emerging infectious diseases," said Peter Ross, a research scientist in Canada who is one of the world?s leading experts on marine mammals and contaminants.

Some chemicals, particularly PCBs, have been shown to suppress the immune systems of wildlife, contributing to mass die-offs of seals and other marine mammals in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

This catastrophic damage hasn't been seen in turtles. Pollutants in their blood are orders of magnitude lower than levels in marine mammal blood, Keller said.

Nevertheless, Keller?s research with loggerheads caught off South Carolina has linked immune system changes to a variety of contaminants. As levels of chlordane and mirex ? two pesticides banned in the United States decades ago but still in the environment???went up in the turtles, their production of some disease-fighting immune cells decreased. And as PCBs and the pesticide DDT went up, some of their immune cells increased.

"Any alteration of immune function, even enhancement, can be considered an adverse effect," the authors wrote. Enhanced immune responses can lead to autoimmune diseases and hypersensitivity.

"Exposure to even relatively low concentrations of persistent pollutants can reduce the effectiveness of immune defense against any number of pathogens," Ross said.

The chemical soup inside turtles comes from the food they eat, which varies from the crab-eating Kemp's ridleys, jellyfish-eating leatherbacks, omnivorous loggerheads, spongivorous hawksbills and herbivorous green sea turtles.


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Breastfeeding May Not Ward off Child Obesity - Health Me Up

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Breastfeeding May Not Ward off Child Obesity

*Text courtesy Reuters.

*Image courtesy: ? Thinkstock photos/ Getty Images


(Reuters) - Breastfeeding does not seem to protect babies against becoming overweight or obese children, according to a European study that included more than 10,000 mothers and babies.


"It's just a reality check that in itself, promoting breastfeeding, while a good thing that will have other health benefits, is unlikely to have any effects on stemming the obesity epidemic," said lead author Richard Martin, from the University of Bristol, UK.


Past research has suggested that babies who are breastfed are less likely to grow up to be obese children, but those studies compared mothers who chose whether or not to breastfeed, so they and their children could have been different in other important ways, researchers said.


The study, which appeared in Journal of the American Medical Association, included 17,000 mothers and their infants in Belarus. About half the babies were born at maternity hospitals that used a World Health Organization-designed initiative to promote breastfeeding.


All mothers originally breastfed their babies, so the study was meant to compare how long infants were breastfed, rather than whether they were breastfed at all, Martin said.


The program to encourage breastfeeding seemed to work. By three months out, 43 percent of mothers who gave birth at intervention hospitals were still exclusively breastfeeding, compared to six percent of women in the comparison group.


Martin said that over the years, his team's study has found fewer stomach infections and eczema and better thinking and memory skills among kids in the breast-feeding promotion group.


In this stage of the trial, however, the researchers compared weight and body fat in about 14,000 children who were tracked through age 11 and found no differences tied to breastfeeding. Between 14 and 16 percent of all the children were overweight and about five percent were obese.


Other researchers, though, said they still felt that starting breastfeeding in the first place can help ward off obesity.


Ruth Lawrence, a breastfeeding researcher from the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York, said past studies have shown that breastfed babies have more appetite control than those started on formula, for example.


"Of course it's disappointing that there wasn't a dramatic difference," Lawrence, who wasn't involved in the story, told Reuters Health.


Others said the current study doesn't detract from the importance of breastfeeding, given its other known benefits for mothers and babies.


"Maybe we shouldn't be touting breastfeeding as an obesity prevention method, but it's still important," said Alison Ventura, a nutrition scientist at Drexel University in Philadelphia.


She recommended that new parents learn about when they should introduce certain foods to their baby's diet, and in what portions, as part of thinking about promoting healthy growth long-term.


"Breastfeeding is just one factor, and maybe studies like this suggest that it's not just one factor that is going to reduce obesity rates, it's probably more the combination of factors," she said. SOURCE: (Reporting from New York by Genevra Pittman at Reuters Health; editing by Elaine Lies)


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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Cyber security a challenge to U.S.-China ties: White House aide

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Cyber security has become a growing challenge to the economic relationship between China and the United States and Beijing should recognize the scope of the problem, White House national security adviser Tom Donilon said on Monday.

U.S. businesses have been increasingly concerned about the targeted theft of confidential business information and proprietary technologies through cyber intrusions emanating from China, Donilon said in a speech to The Asia Society.

"The international community cannot afford to tolerate such activity from any country," he said, noting that President Barack Obama had vowed in his State of the Union speech last month to protect the U.S. economy against cyber threats.

Donilon's comments were among the most direct by a senior U.S. official, citing China by name as the source of cyber threats, although he did so by referring to the concerns of U.S. businesses rather than the government.

Still, the remarks indicated that Washington has decided to be more public in its condemnation of China for cyber attacks on U.S. companies and rampant cyber espionage.

Donilon said from Obama on down, concern over cyber attacks had become a "key point of concern and discussion" with China at all levels of the two governments. He said the United states would do everything in its power to protect national networks, critical infrastructure and public and private sector property.

He spelled out three requests for China, saying Beijing should recognize the urgency and scope of the problem and the risk it poses to international trade as well as the reputation of Chinese industry and to overall U.S.-China relations.

"Second, Beijing should take serious steps to investigate and put a stop to these activities," Donilon said. "Finally, we need China to engage with us in a constructive direct dialogue to establish acceptable norms of behavior in cyberspace."

Last month, a private U.S. computer security company issued a study accusing a secretive Chinese military unit of being behind a series of hacking attacks on a wide range of American industries.

China has denied the accusations and said it is one of the biggest victims of cyber assaults.

(Reporting by Deborah Charles and Daniel Trotta. Editing by Warren Strobel and Christopher Wilson)


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Private data revealed by Facebook 'likes': study | Morocco World News

WASHINGTON, March 11, 2013 (AFP)

Those Facebook ?likes? can reveal a lot more than you think.

Research released Monday shows patterns from these Facebook preferences can provide surprisingly accurate estimates of the user?s race, age, IQ, sexuality and other personal information.

The researchers developed an algorithm which uses Facebook likes ? which are publicly available unless a user chooses stronger privacy settings ? to create personality profiles, potentially revealing a user?s intimate details.

These mathematical models proved 88 percent accurate for differentiating males from females and 95 percent accurate distinguishing African-Americans from whites.

The algorithms were also able to extrapolate information such as sexual orientation, whether the user was a substance abuser, or even whether their parents had separated.

This data can be used for advertising and marketing, but it also could make users cringe because of the amount of personal data revealed, the researchers said.

?It?s very easy to click the ?like? button, it?s seductive,? said David Stillwell, a psychometrics researcher and co-author of the study with colleagues from Cambridge University and Microsoft Research.

?But you don?t realize that years later all those likes are building up against you.?

Stillwell said that while Facebook data was used in this study, similar profiles could be produced using other digital data including Web searches, emails and mobile phone activity.

?You can come to the same conclusions with many forms of these digital data,? he told AFP.

The study examined 8,000 US Facebook users, who volunteered their likes, demographic profiles and psychometric testing results.

While some of the patterns appeared obvious ? Democrats like the White House while Republicans liked George W. Bush ? others were less direct.

Extroverts liked actress and singer Jennifer Lopez, while introverts gravitated toward the film ?The Dark Knight.? Those determined to be ?liberal and artistic? liked singer Leonard Cohen and writer Oscar Wilde, while conservatives preferred Nascar racing and the film ?Monster-in-Law.?

The predictions relied to a large degree on inference, by aggregating huge amounts of data: those predicted to be homosexual were tagged as such not because they clicked on sites about gay marriage, but because of their preferences in music and TV shows, for example.

Christians and Muslims were correctly classified in 82 percent of cases, and good prediction accuracy was achieved for relationship status and substance abuse, between 65 and 73 percent.

People with high IQs more frequently liked ?The Colbert Report? television show and films including ?The Godfather? and ?To Kill a Mockingbird.? Those with lower IQs preferred Harley Davidsons and Bret Michaels of the rock band Poison.

The report comes amid intense debate about online privacy and whether users are aware how much data is being collected about them. Another recent study showed Facebook users began sharing more private data after the social network giant revamped its policies and interface.

The Cambridge researchers said data on ?likes? can be useful for psychological and personality assessments, but also shows how personal details can be made public without their knowledge.

?Similar predictions could be made from all manner of digital data, with this kind of secondary ?inference? made with remarkable accuracy ? statistically predicting sensitive information people might not want revealed,? said Cambridge researcher Michal Kosinski.

Kosinski said he is ?a great fan and active user of new amazing technologies, including Facebook? but that the study highlights potential threats to privacy.

?I can imagine situations in which the same data and technology is used to predict political views or sexual orientation, posing threats to freedom or even life,? he said.

The study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

For a lighter view of the research, the scientists created a Facebook app, ?You Are What You Like? which provides a user?s personality assessment, at


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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

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There many reasons for making home improvements. While some jobs can take as little as 60 minutes, others can take months. Save money by doing the other projects on your own, no matter what size undertaking you are considering you may find it enjoyable. If you keep reading, you will learn some helpful tips.

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Upgrading old appliances is one of the easiest home improvements to slash utility bills. Replacing aging appliances with energy-efficient upgrades will reduce your utility bills and improve the value of your home. That makes them a great home improvement investment. It is also fairly easy to install appliances, so doing so is a home improvement option that is fast and effective.

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Monday, March 11, 2013

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Facebook facelift feeds mobile appetite, may appeal to advertisers

MENLO PARK, California (Reuters) - Facebook Inc introduced a visually richer, mobile device-oriented "newsfeed" on Thursday, in the most significant changes to date for the social network's most recognizable feature.

The changes to the newsfeed, whose look and feel has remained largely unchanged since its inception, include a division into several sections, with separate areas for photographs and music. They will begin rolling out in limited fashion from Thursday.

The overhaul, which standardizes the feed across mobile devices and desktop computers, is designed to keep users active and interacting as well as appeal to advertisers, as Facebook battles Google Inc for Internet market share.

CEO Mark Zuckerberg had singled out the feature as in need of a makeover as recently as January, when the company introduced "graph search" to address inadequacies in allowing users to trawl for information across the world's largest social network.

Facebook's newsfeed, an ever-changing stream of photos, videos and comments uploaded from friends, is the first page most users see upon logging in. It is one of three "pillars" of the service, along with search and user profiles.

The last major update to the feature occurred in September 2011. Since then, the company has incorporated ads directly into the feed and has shifted its focus to creating "mobile-first experiences," because more people now access the social network from smartphones and desktops than from desktop computers.

The addition of advertising, however, prompted complaints from users who preferred an unblemished stream of personally relevant comments, underscoring the difficulty in balancing advertiser-friendly formats - such as larger images - with keeping its 1 billion-plus members engaged.


The world's largest social network is moving to regain Wall Street's confidence after a botched IPO last year, addressing concerns about its long-term prospects - many of which center on an industry-wide shift toward the use of mobile devices.

Facebook shares, which are still more than a quarter off their IPO price of $38, were up 2 percent at $27.99 on Thursday afternoon on the Nasdaq.

Facebook and Google, which both got their start on desktop computers, are now managing a transition of their products onto smartphones and tablets, which typically yield less revenue than on PCs.

The two Internet mainstays are also waging a war for revenue in mobile advertising - a market that is still small compared with the traditional desktop but that is growing exponentially.

In terms of overall mobile advertising, Google commanded a 53.5 percent share in 2012, aided by its dominance in search-based ads. Facebook had just 8.4 percent, a distant runner-up, according to estimates from research house eMarketer.

But in terms of mobile display ad sales, Facebook narrowly edges out its rival with 18.4 percent of the market versus Google's 17 percent, the research outfit estimated.

(Writing by Edwin Chan; editing by Gerald E. McCormick and Matthew Lewis)


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