Wednesday, September 19, 2012

laziness, hard work, motivation, inspiration, success

We know exactly what we want in our lives. We even know how to get there, we know what we should be doing at each precise moment. We should throw away that bag of chips, we should get out of the abusive relationship, pick up the book to study, sit down to write that book, look for a new job, work out, build a business?.

But, we do none of the above. In stead, we keep doing the same things that we have been doing, never changing, never doing our job, never taking a first step, never getting back on to that derailed wagon? We live in a perpetual state of inertia, watching life go by, and then wonder why things go wrong!

Why is it so hard for us to get out of inertia? Why are we not motivated, even when the rewards far, far outweigh the risks and the results are disproportionately high compared to the effort? What is holding us back from living the life we desire and deserve?

It is tempting to call it sheer laziness. We have all felt it, and been charmed by it. How do you counter this enemy? How do you stop being lazy and start working? How do we beat this sneaky, fascinating and poisonous enemy?

The key is to just do it. That is harder than it sounds!

But, here are some things that would help. A to-do list, in fact. It might help you as much as it helps me!

1. Figure out what you should be doing right now.

2. Take all distractions and dump them in another room, if possible. That includes the cell phone, internet, games, books for idle reading, movies, friends, junk food, bed.. Whatever it is that tempts you, get it out of your sight.

3. Have everything ready for your work. Set up your desk, and let it have things that you need.

4. Write down a motivating, simple quote, and keep it handy. Something along the lines of ?I will give up tomorrow, not today?, or ?success and nothing else? or ?stop staring and start working!? might help!

5. Getting started is sometimes the hardest part. There are no shortcuts to it, just get started. The momentum will come, as you get going. So, close this website and start working! (Okay, maybe you can stop to share this page or leave a comment! ;) ) Good luck!

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  1. 4 steps to achieve any dream in life
  2. 3 steps to success
  3. 5 steps to Simple, Inspirational and Managable (SIM) Goals


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Google+ Hangouts Now Let You Know Exactly Who Is Coming And Going

18th Annual National Capital Barbecue BattleToday, the Google+ team shared some insight into some tweaks that it has made to the Hangouts experience over the last couple of months, plus some new initiatives. In a post on Google+, Chee Chew of Google discussed these improvements, which include the ability to block people, set a Hangout to 18+ and change a Hangout to public while it's in progress.


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Video: GOP tries to spin Romney?s caught-on-tape moment

>>> governor romney in the latest from him. the campaign reporter has been following the governor. you were there last night when the breaking news went down. you got the final question. i believe it was only three that governor romney took in response to this red-hot video out. he did not seem really prepared to respond to your questions. that's one note. but also in the same breath he seemed to not back down. where does his campaign stand on this clearly, garrett ?

>> good afternoon. basically the campaign has made a decision to go ahead and own these comments. they're trying to link them to the comments governor romney regularly makes publicly in which he says the president is trying to expand this idea of an entitlement society or welfare state . although he admitted last night he said it inelegantly. my question last night, i asked governor romney whether these comments coming out on tape yesterday as well as comments that have been previously reported from a fund-raiser, another fund-raiser in florida several months ago in which he laid out the policy details, why was there some discrepancy in his tone and policies behind closed doors versus in public. we have to push back a little bit on that. his answer on this he's taking process questions about the state of the campaign. they're spending their hard-earned dollars to fund his campaign asking him how he might win. those aren't what you usually talk about on the stump. folks funding the campaign get a more complete answer. he didn't address the question about policy and why he might be talking in more detail behind closed doors than out informant open.

>> he absolutely did, garrett . it's interesting today a number of of his surrogates have been on msnbc and other networks, and they don't have a consistent message. you had governor sanunu on and he blamed the current administration for class warfare and congressman allen west saying the same thing that governor romney articulated. these weren't necessarily elegant comments. nevertheless there's not a consistent response from the governor or hez surrogates he unleashed today to deal with the firestorm.

>> the conversation with the senior adviser on the romney campaign plane which just landed in salt lake city for another fund-raiser today, one of the senior advisers basically said they're looking for this to blow over in the next couple of days. they think they -- the most dynamic of any of the videos, the most explosive potential comments have come out. they were able to sort of continue a little bit last night by doing the press conference, and in the last two days they try to get back on their primary message about jobs and the economy and hope the media gets tired of the story.

>> garrett , thank you. i don't know if people will get tired because the entire video has not been released yet. this is what our first read team is calling ail brutal last three weeks for the governor. joining me now is michael sirkonish and ann cornbloom and chris cofinus. garrett haake says the romney campaign is hoping this will somehow blow over. what are the chances?

>> well, they can dare to hope. i think this is going to be one that will take a little longer than day or two to blow over. that has been their strategy at times in the past and hasn't always worked, but i don't think we've seen an incident that's reverberated as much as this one has. we see them proceeding. he's going to make public remarks later today going on tv. he hasn'ter altered his campaign schedule. this is not what they wanted to talk about this week. they wanted to release new ads and talk about the new details on some of the policies. that's out the window at least for now.

>> he's supposed to talk with fox news a little later, perhaps seen as a more friendly territory if we can gang thiuge things that way these days. one of the reasons it won't go away for the governor is the fact of the story. he referred to 47% not paying income tax . as pointed on msnbc politico has an arg. the number is actually 46%, but here's the insight of that number. half of nonpayers little, too little to pay taxes. half of them get through tax deductions and exemptions according to the tax policy center . 44% use tax deductions to help the elderly. 30% use tax deductions that aid the working poor . they use an example of a family earning $26,000. after $11,000 of standard deduction and four $3,000 exemption, they have no taxable income . many pay federal payroll, excise tax and state and income taxes . these people are not as they were referred to by governor are not getting away and getting a free ride through life. many of these are so-called poor in our country.

>> i think that's the critical distinction. i'll use the word. he didn't, but this is the meaning of his statement. they are not the malingers he made them out to be. the way i expressed it on the radio today is more than 80% of that percent are elderly or working poor who pay payroll taxes . an additional fact is a number of reason why is by virtue of bush tax cuts one of the tradeoffs was to reduce the taxable earnings -- the taxes paid by those low income earners. you can blame the sponsors of the bush tax cuts if you're upset over the fact that some of these folks aren't paying taxes. one other fact, tamron. the question remains will the 47% figure out he's talking about me? what's stunning is i hear from a number of callers who are in that group and don't regard themselves as much.

>> why is that, michael ? when you talk about welfare by race, because a the lot of people, when you go on the blogs, believe he's talking about blacks and he's talking about hispanics. we know the statement made at the naacp and then after it at a fund-raiser, the governor said if you want something free, vote for the other guy. 34% are white, 22% black, 17% hispanic and 20% unknown. i'm not sure what that means. if you look at this through a prism of shoi he is trying to separate and peel apart people based on anger. let's say he's appealing to the angry white male voter who white somehow be the difference in november. these people fall into the category of working poor , of people who needed assistance as a result of the economy taking the nosedive before the current administration even took over.

>> yes. there's a bit of the -- of what's the matter with kansas factor if you know what i'm saying to all of this. i'm hearing from a social security retirees who thinks he's not in that category. that's not who i am. this has invagted both bases. in other words, as offensive as these comments might seem to many of us, it's invigorated a conservative base that's anxious to say something like this. what do the 5% to 10% as mitt romney described as thoughtful, what do they say? there's blow back against it. all of the conservative writers say he ought to own it, and they are backing the governor even though he's not backing his own words. there are many today compares this moments to when the president was caught on taup during the last election cycle saying people cling to their religion and guns. how is this givent if at all.

>> i don't think it's comparable for a couple of reasons. when the president made the remarks it didn't go into a narrative. you see this in your election and in it particular key questions in polls. which candidate stands up for the middle class ? when you see this in a private moment from a fund-raiser from governor romney and how cold and callous it comes across, regardless he can argue what the facts are or not, the reality is he perverted the facts. when you look at the approach to it, it turns off those independent, undecided moderate voters that decide this election. this fits into a narrative that for months has been building. building because in the obama campaign it's very effective at framing governor romney on it. more importantly because governor romney through his words and actions and his policies feeds into it, and this is just the latest exclamation mark .

>> ann, you have "new york times" david brooks wrote this column, thurston howell romney . he wrote the people that receive a disproportionate share of money, they are white men with high school degrees. basically pointing out to what michael said. a lot of people that may not believe they're in this category that mitt romney referred to during this off-camera moment. joe scarborough said something this morning. we know where he stands and he's a conservative. he talked about the waiters in the video. those are the very people perhaps that fall into this description of governor romney if he was elected president, he would be president of all people. it sounds as if he's playing to a certain group, and that night that group paid $50,000 a plate to have that amen moment with the republican nominee.

>> it's interesting because david brooks said this is what millionaires tell each other. i wasn't aware of that until i read the column. it's hard to say if governor romney was pandering to the group and he was repeating or saying something he believes. con flating the popularity of president obama , about half the country that doesn't pay the federal income tax . i suspect we won't get a complete dissection of his remarks from governor romney . he sounds like he said what he's going to say, which is that he wants to talk about people --

>> i don't know about that. he has an interview coming up, michael . last night you could see the unease and obvious reasons why. this tape comes outs and he needs to get out. at this point, michael , what would you advise the governor foo to say in this sper view he's got up. he's already said what he was going to say? what would you advise at this point. president obama had the opportunity regarding guns and religion. how does romney go beyond what he said on that tape?

>> i don't think he can. i think he dug himself in last night when he had that hastily arranged availability and stort of double downed on it. tamron, for the second time in a week he's embraced the worst narrative about the president. with regard to cairo and libya, he bought into the international lore that obama was a sympathizer and pop gist. then last night i saul him embracing this notion that everybody that supports the president is ap malinger. that's the commonalty.


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    Law of Attraction Subliminal Success

    Law of Attraction Subliminal Success - Use Subliminal Audio To Multiply Your Money Attraction Results Have you used subliminal audio to attract money into your life? Perhaps you have used subliminal messaging for success in some areas of your life but nonetheless can't quite appreciate how money attraction works? It Will not Do This Like a great many other areas of development when using subliminals it is important to note that you'll most likely not wake up with a mysterious check in the mail the morning after using a money attraction subliminal. There are a lot of stories about people receiving mysterious checks through the mail or coming into massive sums of money out of the blue - either when listening to subliminals, or when using some sort of tool to help them with the law of attraction. This sadly is rare, and is the exception, rather than the standard result. The truth is money attraction is more of a gradual process, and works better in a couple of days and a few weeks than the instant you start out listening. How It Actually Works Again subliminal audio is a gradual process and is designed to change your thoughts and beliefs about money and align your subconscious mind to focus on bringing money into your life. This occurs naturally, and can not be forced.This is why it requires different amounts of time for everyone - many people have a lot more anxieties and mental blockages about money and this accordingly takes longer for them to really shed them and focus on money in a constructive way. It works in 3 simple ways: To focus you on money in a positive way and really make you more determined than ever before to bring money by the bucket load into your life. To align your subconscious mind completely to your money attraction goals. Your whole mind and body will be completely aligned on bringing money into your life - making it much more likely to occur. Ultimately it will align your mind fully so that you believe in the law of attraction 100%. You will totally believe that it is possible for YOU to bring money into your life through the power of your thoughts. Only when you really believe this does it actually become possible. Get started today using the world's most powerful attract money audio album from
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    Blast Off! The Surefire Success Plan To Launch Your Dreams Into Reality.. Book Trailer

    Blast Off! The Surefire Success Plan To Launch Your Dreams Into Reality.. Book Trailer

    Allison Maslan introduces her book, Blast Off, The Surefire Success Plan To Launch Your Dreams Into Reality. (Morgan James, 2010) Get Ready to Love Your LIfe! Are you ready to launch your most passionate and prosperous decade ever? The burning question is Do you want to be in the same place you are now in ten years, or even five years? The truth is that you will be asking yourself that same question in another decade if you dont take action now. There is a completely fulfilling life just waiting to be claimed as your own. The next question is What are you waiting for? Through her proven Blast Off! formula, Allison Maslan will teach you step-by-step how to let go of limiting fears and beliefs, inspire you to tap into your burried passions, then give you a step-by-step plan to achieve your dreams in a new and prosperous career, find your soulmate, have more fun and adventure and create a fulfilliing spiritual path. On January 19th, 2010 Receive Over 20 Valuable Bonus Gifts from leading authors, coaches and teachers. Go to Rave Reviews For Blast Off "Blast Off! gives the what and how to create the personal and professional life of your dreams. Allison Maslan's easy-to-follow program offers a great recipe for prosperity, success and fulfillment." Marci Shimoff, NY Times bestselling author, Happy for No Reason, featured in The Secret "When I went to see Allison, I was, like many people, stuck and unfulfilled in my career. Allison helped me sort myself out and see my potential. She helped me find the clarity and the guts to take the leap. Thank goodness she did! Now I am the producer of my own national series television show on Discovery Health, have won 11 Emmy's and just about to publish my second book." Sam Zien,The Cooking Guy-Television Personality/Chef "Allison's book should never leave your sight. It contains a clear path for living your dream and getting more out of life. Here is your chance to stop dreaming about it once and for all and start making something great happen in your life and work. It is your desktop and bedside table companion for life!" Mark LeBlanc, author of Growing Your Business!, president of Small Business Success, Recent President, National Speakers Association "Allison Maslan bares her soul in this authentic book about living passionately and fully from the inside out. In Blast Off! she skillfully weaves the power of divine energy and the soul's purpose with nuts and bolts strategy and raw determination. The result is mesmerizing. After reading this book, you will not only know for certain that you can achieve your heart's desire, you will be equipped with the tools make it happen. She is brilliant at teaching others to tap into the deepest part of themselves and then helping them create their individual formula for success. I highly recommend this book." Ernest D. Chu, author of Soul Currency, spiritual community leader, and counselor "Allison Maslan has helped me more than anyone on my road to success. She is the real deal and living proof that you can achieve your dreams and live your best life possible! If you are ready to take the leap to a new life on all levels, Allison's Blast Off! Program will get you there." Mary Goulet, Author of Go With Your Gut and It's All About You, Co-Founder, "In Blast Off! Allison Maslan provides us with the keys to manifesting what in the yogic tradition are called the Four Fruits of Life-dharma (the true path), artha (prosperity), kama (love), and moksha (freedom). Allison shares generously from her life experiences and humorously recounts how from them she learned to discover her true calling, find the man of her dreams, build a successful business, face her fears, and have a lot of fun along the way. Allison's gift is to present universal and eternal principles in a way that is easy to understand and apply." Tim Miller, Master Ashtanga Teacher and Director, Ashtanga Yoga Center (Encinitas, California) "Allison Maslan's powerful book, Blast Off! gives the most direct path in inventing the career and personal life of your dreams. Her easy-to-follow flight plan is a profound mix of inspiration, passion, and success in the real world." Digby Diehl, New York Times and London Times bestselling author of over 30 books, including Million Dollar Mermaid, Remembering Grace, literary correspondent for ABC-TV's"Good Morning America," and founding editor of The Los Angeles Times Book Review
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    Click here to watch the video (03:17)
    Submitted By: Allison Maslan
    Tags: Life Coaching Life Coach Blast Off Best Seller Success Book Motivational Make Money Fast Self Help Law Of Attraction Inspirational Goal Setting Achievement Soulmate Allison Maslan Business Consultant Business Coach Prosperity
    Categories: How To

    Alain De Botton: A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success

    Alain De Botton: A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success Alain de Botton examines our ideas of success and failure -- and questions the assumptions underlying these two judgments. Is success always earned? Is failure? He makes an eloquent, witty case to move beyond snobbery to find true pleasure in our work. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the "Sixth Sense" wearable tech, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on, at Watch a highlight reel of the Top 10 TEDTalks at
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    Tags: Alain De Botton TEDTalks TEDGlobal Talks Philosophy Make Money Fast Failure Self Help Schools Of Life Advice
    Categories: People & Stories

    Zig Ziglar, Strategies For Success Intro, Part 1

    Zig Ziglar, Strategies For Success Intro, Part 1 Hear my interview with Zig at Zig Ziglar is loved by many. He has traveled over 5 million miles inspiring and encouraging people to be their best.
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    17 Success Principles - The Common Traits of Successful People

    17 Success Principles - The Common Traits of Successful People

    17 Success Principles - The Common Traits of Successful People video by Ahmad Sanusi Husain consultant-speaker-motivator Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [email?protected] +6019-2348786 Do you want to be a successful entrepreneur and even a millionaire? If the answer is "Yes", your journey of a thousand miles and a thousand smiles starts here: Apply the 17 successful principles above, you are on the right track.
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    Tags: 17 Make Money Fast Principles Common Traits Successful People Dr. Napoleon Hill Dale Carnegie Pma Positive Mental Attitude Ahmad Sanusi Husain Teamwork Definiteness Purpose Master Mind Self-discipline Extra Mile Cosmic Habit
    Categories: People & Stories

    Stedman Graham Speaker, Author, and Success Coach

    Stedman Graham Speaker, Author, and Success Coach

    Brooks International presents Stedman Graham. . Stedman Graham is an accomplished author and success coach. He has written or co-written several educational books about management, marketing, and success building. An inspiring speaker, Graham speaks to organizations around the country on issues surrounding success, self-empowerment, and diversity. A commitment to education and lifelong learning is central to Stedman Graham's philosophy. Graham is also a founder and former director of George Washington University's Forum for Sport and Event Management and Marketing - the first of its kind in the country. The Forum provides academic programming, career training, and business and employment research in sports and related industries, with a focus on minorities and women. Graham is a sought-after speaker and lecturer. Based on the precepts of You Can Make It Happen and Build Your Own Life Brand, he annually delivers his message to over 100 corporations, colleges, universities, high schools and not-for-profit organizations. Clients include the U.S. Department of Education, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, and the U.S. Olympic Committee.
    Ranked 4.20 / 5 | 21 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (05:57)
    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Inspiring Speaker Author Success Coach Management Marketing Make Money Fast Self-Empowerment Diversity Education Learning
    Categories: People & Stories



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Monday, September 17, 2012

Lisa Lisa, No Cult Jam: A stepparenting rulebook: uncertainty, regret ...

I don't believe any child ever spends his or her formative years thinking, "When I grow up, I want to be a stepparent." Kids might dream of becoming a mom or dad one day, but the once-removed nature of stepparenting isn't easily to understand, let alone aspire to.

I became a stepparent nearly nearly seven years ago, and like most stepparents, I didn't break down and separate the relationships -- e.g., today I'm getting married, and today I'm also forming important-but-undefined relationships with four other humans. I assumed, as I'm sure most people do, that everything would simply fall into place.

There's so much to be written on the topic. But suffice it to say that in my opinion, step-relationships are difficult because they are so undefined -- to coin a cliche, there's no rulebook. And if you happen to have multiple stepkids, each relationship is going to be unique.

So many variables play into the relationship: Is the child's other parent still living? How much time does the child spend with that person? How does the other parent feel about you, the stepparent, and about your relationship with the child?

How contentious was the parents' divorce, and to what degree was the child involved and impacted? How old is the child, and what's his or her basic personality and temperament? And to put it simply: Does the child like you?

All those translate to roughly 8 million variables that, on most days, can seem to conspire against success.

Stepparenting is not for the faint of heart, the thin of skin, and the easily defeated. It's not the natural order of things, the way things are supposed to transpire. And unless you're very fortunate, it can bring you to your knees on a regular basis.

But then, there are days you have enough presence of mind to think of it like this:

When the child whose life you entered when he was not quite 5 is getting ready to go to his first school dance, and you're ironing his clothes. You know he doesn't really care who is ironing them; he's far more concerned, probably, with trying to figure out how the heck a school dance works, and how, to a larger degree, the whole dating thing works.

But the ironing, to you, exemplifies what being a stepparent is all about: Not Cinderella-type drudgery, but the behind-the-scenes nature of the job. You're not the one who ever gets kudos for anything, nor should you be, and you're good with that. But you've become pretty good at the little unseen things that let the child, and his parents, know that you want to help that child thrive and succeed.

As you iron, you think about teaching that child to read. You think about the eggshells you've walked on so as not to smother him; you think about the time his eyebrows fell out and how you tried not to draw attention to the fact that he looked like an alien. You think about the fact that you can't really hug him, because A. he's 15 and B. he doesn't want you to.

And you think about the time that you broke the news to him that his good friend had died. And because you're not the parent but the stepparent, and you have your own kids to attend to, you had to leave the house immediately after delivering that horrible news. And you think about how you've always somehow regretted the way things had worked out that day, as you drove away and left his dad, who's not always comfortable with feelings, to deal with the most awful thing that had ever happened in the child's life.

You think about the fact that even though this is not your child, you have a history with him. But you've consciously tried not to overstep your bounds, because your own children have stepparents, too, and you know how it feels to be on the other side. So sometimes you've chosen to hang back.

But in the end, although such relationships are complicated, you hope, somehow, that your meager contribution to your stepson's big night -- the ironing of the shirt and the pants -- can convey the fact that even though you never really know what your place is, you really, truly do care.


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Saturday at the Going West Books & Writers - Beattie's Book Blog

This Festival is different to any of the others I attend. It is held in a smaller, almost intimate venue located at Titirangi in the hills high above Auckland's west; it features New Zealand writers only; the sessions are short and sharp - 45 minutes with no breaks between sessions apart from morning and afternoon teas and lunch; there is only one session at a time; lunch is provided as part of a day or weekend pass, as is morning and afternoon tea; a jazz pianist provided lunchtime entertainment; the whole thing is run by founder Murray Gray, his wife Naomi McCleary, Festival Project Manager Anna Fomison and a handful of volunteers. They are an impressive team providing a unique Festival and I salute them.

Saturday got underway with author/creative writing tutor Emily Perkins presenting eight students from her Master of Creative Writing course at the University of Auckland who all read excerpts from their novels or short fiction or poetry and spoke of what the year has meant to them. I found it quite inspiring and as Festival Programme Director Murray Gray said in his thanks "these are the people who will be the writers speaking at this Festival in years to come".

By the way we know that the Festival's future assured as Auckland Mayor Len Brown was present and in a brief but warm message said that the City was delighted to be a major supporter of the Festival and looked forward to a warm, ongoing association with it. Bravo Len.

Next up was high profile NZ poet Paula Green who in her 15 minute session read six love poems from her 2012 collection Dear Heart:150 New Zealand Love Poems,?followed by three poems of her own from her collection to be published next year, The Baker's Thumbprint.
Paula is a regular, and popular performer at Going West.

Another 15 minute poetry interlude was one of the features of the afternoon programme when Dunedin-based poet David Howard?(right) read from his work.

David's collaboration with Peter Ransome revisits punk Christchurch: You're So Pretty When You're Unfaithful To Me - Holloway Press - launched at the Festival.

Your Unselfish Kindness
This is the title of a new book which features the previously unpublished autobiographical writings of journalist/poet/novelist the late Robin Hyde and it was also the title of the next session which featured the editor of that collection, academic Mary Edmond-Paul and veteran journalist/commentator/writer Gordon McLauchlan in conversation about the remarkable writing of one of our iconic literary figures.Of particular interest was their discussion about the similarities and differences between Robin Hyde and Janet Frame.
I was fascinated by this entire conversation and hugely impressed by the encyclopaedic knowledge about Robin Hyde displayed by McLauchlan and Edmond-Paul. I was disappointed when the session came to an end and wonder if the Festival may at some stage perhaps organise a one day symposium on the subject of this enigmatic woman who died in 1939 aged just 33. More please.

War Zone: Courage Revealed.
On stage were author Sid Marsh, writer/publisher Matt Turner and publisher Peter Dowling .
Author Marsh was questioned by Turner about his wartime novel Greyhound which took him nearly seven years to write wuth the considerable research he carried out which included talking to many elderly servicemen about their wartime experiences in Italy as well as travel to France, Italy and Slovenia.?
Then Turner talked to Dowling about his recently published book,To the Gateways of Florence.
Translated from a 2009 Italian book, To the Gateways of Florence enables New Zealanders to read Italian historians analysing New Zealand?s pivotal role in Tuscany, alongside contributions from three of our own leading military historians ? Christopher Pugsley, Monty Soutar and Jeffrey Plowman.

Words Here &There
The last session before lunch had journalist/critic/columnist David Larsen talking to author Tim Wilson, TVNZ's former US correspondent author of Their Faces Were Shining (novel) and the more recent short story collection The Desolation Angel both published by Victoria University Press. In the course of 45 minutes Larsen had Wilson talking across a wide range of subjects including his writing practices,his first visit to the US, his 10 years living in the US (he arrived in NYC three weeks after 9/11), exceptionalism, growing up in a religious household - his father was a Presbyterian minister, minor celebrity status as a TV journo, ?the early 1960's SciFi writing of J.G.Ballard and others, middle age, the future of print media, the property gospel as well as his two books and other matters too. Amazing what can be fitted in to a 45 minute session.

After lunch came Present Necessity.
This session was a conversation between flamboyant personality and artist Jacqueline Fahy whose second volume of autobiography, Before I Forget, has just been published by AUP, and author/art critic/cultural curmudgeon Hamish Keith an it proved to be one of the funniest and most entertaining sessions I have ever attended at a literary Festival. These two are clearly old friends, neither had notes and they chatted away, with Fahy frequently interrupting Keith or challenging, often in highly colourful language, his interpretation of something she had said or written. With some skilful prodding by her companion on stage she talked about being married to ?doctor, of her New York visits back in the 60's and what a cultural shock it had been, of life in the 60's and 70's, censorship, her relationship with Rita Angus and much more besides and then concluded with reading us a passage from her book set in 1966 featuring a social event and NZ's "pre-eminent literary and cultural scholar" Eric McCormick.?
They exited the stage to loud applause.

Shape Shifters
Then it was The Bookman's turn and I had the honour and pleasure of talking to author Nalini Singh (left-photo by Deborah Hillman) whom the programme described as "one of New Zealand's best-known secrets".

Certainly for a long time she has been a well-kept secret as a NZ writer. Surprising really because she has some 22 books published and several have been on both the New York Times and USA Today best-sellers lists. She has even been on the hardback best-seller lists. And on Friday her latest book Archangel?s Storm reached # 8 on the NYT paperback list, and #18 on the eBook list. Her?books have sold well in excess of three million copies.

Today though we are much more likely to have heard of her as she has had a flurry of media coverage this year but prior to that most would have said ? ?Nalini who??

Nalini was born in Fiji and emigrated to NZ with her family when she was 10 years old.

We began talking about what influenced her in those early years in NZ, about studying

law at university and then working as a lawyer for two years. But all this time she was writing fiction, initially romantic fiction, "the Mills & Boon type",and she had six novels published in this genre in NY by Silhouette Books.

But then while on her OE, and teaching English in Japan, she wrote her first paranormal romance title which she sent off to a NY agent,(acquired after research and subsequent contact), and the rest as they say is history.

She has been a full-time writer ever since (her goal since she was 15 years of age) and in addition to an occasional stand-alone novel she has?two series of books the Psy-Changeling series (seven titles to date starting with Slave to Sensation)? and the Guild Hunter series (five titles to date starting with Angels' Blood).

She is a strong advocate for the need for all authors to have their own website and to use social media as a way of communicating with readers.

The US is her biggest market ?with huge sales being achieved there but she is also published in Germany which is her second-biggest market and just recently she has been on an author tour of Europe.Her books have been translated in to 22 languages.She likes travelling and uses her tablet to continue writing while on tour or holiday. Next week she is making a tour of the Waikato-King Country areas .

Her market is primarily female from young adults up although she estimates about 10% of her readers are male. She is a most impressive, clever,focussed and hard-working young woman about whom we will hear much more in the future.

And I was interested to observe she was mobbed by fans as she left the stage all wanting their copies of her books signed.

Meanwhile I had to rush back to the city to attend a grand-daughter's birthday party so missed all the music action that followed David Howard's poetry reading and Mirranda Burton and Dylan Horrocks talking about graphic novels and comics.

A grand day, my warm thanks to Murray, Naomi,Anna and their team.


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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Oncolytics expands enrollment for cancer drug late-stage trial


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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Vodafone UK announces Sony Xperia T and Xperia J

Android Central

Three UK isn't the only one getting new Sony phones these days; Vodafone has announced the Xperia T and Xperia J will be "launched over the coming months". Vodafone wouldn't confirm the £415 SIM-free pricetag for the T or the £140 for the J. We had heard the Xperia J will be coming out this month, but no doubt we'll hear something official soon enough. We did have some hands-on time with both devices at IFA if you want to get the tour. Here's the short version:

Xperia T:

  • 1.5GHz dual-core Snapdragon S4 CPU
  • 4.6-inch 720p HD Reality Display
  • 13MP camera
  • 16GB of internal storage

Xperia J:

  • 9.2mm slim stylish design
  • Large 4.0” FWVGA Display
  • Social media updates with illumination
  • 5MP AF camera
  • Front chat camera
  • Available in Black, Gold, White and Pink colours

Anyone biting? That 13 megapixel camera on the Xperia T is awfully tempting to try out... 

Source: Vodafone


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Police officer killed in Turkey suicide attack

ISTANBUL (AP) ? A suicide bomber threw a hand grenade and then blew himself up at the entrance to a police station in Turkey's biggest city, killing a police officer and injuring seven others, authorities said Tuesday.

Police identified the bomber as a member of the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front, also known by its Turkish acronym DHKP-C, which has claimed responsibility for a number of assassinations and bombings since the 1970s.

Police said the man had participated in hunger strikes while serving a prison sentence for membership in the outlawed group.

Ambulances raced to the scene of the blast in a suburb of Istanbul. Forensic investigators then moved in, combing the area for evidence.

The DHKP-C has been relatively quiet in recent years, while fighting between Turkish forces and Kurdish rebels who seek self-rule has surged in recent months. The military announced Monday that it had conducted air strikes over the past week in northern Iraq, where Kurdish rebels have bases. Some 25 guerrillas were killed in the operation, according to the military.

Authorities blamed the rebel Kurdistan Workers' Party for a bomb last month that killed nine people near a police station in a city close to the Syrian border. Rebels denied involvement, though they have escalated attacks in what some analysts believe is an attempt to capitalize on regional uncertainty surrounding the civil war in Syria.


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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

All About Teak Wood Furniture | House and Home Improvement

teak furniture 300x300 All About Teak Wood FurnitureTeak furniture is a good choice to add extra elegance to our inside and outside. Teak furniture teak. And ?strong, durable, hard and yellow-brown in appearance. A good building material that resists termite attack effectively. Teak does not rot and then be used to make boats. Teak furniture is available in different categories. There are garden furniture, teak garden furniture, teak and is available in different models that are available with offices, fields, gardens, houses, etc are available

Teak Outdoor Products requires the latest upkeep for a long time. There are many varieties of garden furniture in teak wood, which are in high demand. Some of the most common types of garden benches, garden fences, Adirondack chairs, etc. Although they are not always equipped with garden, terrace also be made of material that last long. Teak is the best choice for this, as it can take longer than other wood materials, natural and synthetic.

Another characteristic of teak furniture is old. Over the years, teak furniture retains its elegance and beauty. Teak requires no chemical treatment for their strength and beauty. It must be painted or colored with dyes. The natural color of the wood is brown honey. We just need to polish the surface to remove the gloss. This does not diminish the need to take care of them. Teak cleaner and teak protector can be applied to them once in two years a maintenance operation.

If you are interested, teak furniture in good condition for life, then there are some things you can do to ensure a long life. Every three or four months, we sand the entire cabinet and apply teak oil on them. This material is an air conditioner to maintain the strength of this unit for a long period in a vertical position.

Using teak oil does not interfere with the color of the furniture. The color of teak honey brown when it is new and with age, the color becomes more sound to give a rich and ancient. With the increasing demand for teak furniture prices rose. But there are ways for us to find online stores and vendors, teak furniture at reasonable prices.


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Monday, September 10, 2012

Computer, read my lips

Computer, read my lips [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 10-Sep-2012
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Contact: Albert Ang
Inderscience Publishers

Emotion detector developed using a genetic algorithm

A computer is being taught to interpret human emotions based on lip pattern, according to research published in the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. The system could improve the way we interact with computers and perhaps allow disabled people to use computer-based communications devices, such as voice synthesizers, more effectively and more efficiently.

Karthigayan Muthukaruppanof Manipal International University in Selangor, Malaysia, and co-workers have developed a system using a genetic algorithm that gets better and better with each iteration to match irregular ellipse fitting equations to the shape of the human mouth displaying different emotions. They have used photos of individuals from South-East Asia and Japan to train a computer to recognize the six commonly accepted human emotions - happiness, sadness, fear, angry, disgust, surprise - and a neutral expression. The upper and lower lip is each analyzed as two separate ellipses by the algorithm.

"In recent years, there has been a growing interest in improving all aspects of interaction between humans and computers especially in the area of human emotion recognition by observing facial expression," the team explains. Earlier researchers have developed an understanding that allows emotion to be recreated by manipulating a representation of the human face on a computer screen. Such research is currently informing the development of more realistic animated actors and even the behavior of robots. However, the inverse process in which a computer recognizes the emotion behind a real human face is still a difficult problem to tackle.

It is well known that many deeper emotions are betrayed by more than movements of the mouth. A genuine smile for instance involves flexing of muscles around the eyes and eyebrow movements are almost universally essential to the subconscious interpretation of a person's feelings. However, the lips remain a crucial part of the outward expression of emotion. The team's algorithm can successfully classify the seven emotions and a neutral expression described.

The researchers suggest that initial applications of such an emotion detector might be helping disabled patients lacking speech to interact more effectively with computer-based communication devices, for instance.


"Lip pattern in the interpretation of human emotions" in Int. J. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 2012, 3, 95-107

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Computer, read my lips [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 10-Sep-2012
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Contact: Albert Ang
Inderscience Publishers

Emotion detector developed using a genetic algorithm

A computer is being taught to interpret human emotions based on lip pattern, according to research published in the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. The system could improve the way we interact with computers and perhaps allow disabled people to use computer-based communications devices, such as voice synthesizers, more effectively and more efficiently.

Karthigayan Muthukaruppanof Manipal International University in Selangor, Malaysia, and co-workers have developed a system using a genetic algorithm that gets better and better with each iteration to match irregular ellipse fitting equations to the shape of the human mouth displaying different emotions. They have used photos of individuals from South-East Asia and Japan to train a computer to recognize the six commonly accepted human emotions - happiness, sadness, fear, angry, disgust, surprise - and a neutral expression. The upper and lower lip is each analyzed as two separate ellipses by the algorithm.

"In recent years, there has been a growing interest in improving all aspects of interaction between humans and computers especially in the area of human emotion recognition by observing facial expression," the team explains. Earlier researchers have developed an understanding that allows emotion to be recreated by manipulating a representation of the human face on a computer screen. Such research is currently informing the development of more realistic animated actors and even the behavior of robots. However, the inverse process in which a computer recognizes the emotion behind a real human face is still a difficult problem to tackle.

It is well known that many deeper emotions are betrayed by more than movements of the mouth. A genuine smile for instance involves flexing of muscles around the eyes and eyebrow movements are almost universally essential to the subconscious interpretation of a person's feelings. However, the lips remain a crucial part of the outward expression of emotion. The team's algorithm can successfully classify the seven emotions and a neutral expression described.

The researchers suggest that initial applications of such an emotion detector might be helping disabled patients lacking speech to interact more effectively with computer-based communication devices, for instance.


"Lip pattern in the interpretation of human emotions" in Int. J. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 2012, 3, 95-107

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Flight for Freedom

Flight for Freedom

Twelve kids breakout from the labs and now are on the run for their life. They meet people on the way...can they trust them? Will the get free from their old life or will they become caged once again? {Literate Rp'ers Only! | OPEN}


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This is a remake, you may see there are some spots reserved already...if they do not remake there characters in 24 hours i will be opening them. So if your interested in a spot and it says reserved then check back in 24 hours because it may be open. Please make all reserves here. Thanks

"Flight for Freedom"

When will people understand that words
can cut as sharply as any blade, and that
those cuts leave scars upon our souls?

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Member for 0 years

I'm still very interested and I want to keep Twing Twang XD
Welcome back btw!

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of Irony- Morpheous 'The Matrix'

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Member for 4 years

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