Wednesday, September 19, 2012

laziness, hard work, motivation, inspiration, success

We know exactly what we want in our lives. We even know how to get there, we know what we should be doing at each precise moment. We should throw away that bag of chips, we should get out of the abusive relationship, pick up the book to study, sit down to write that book, look for a new job, work out, build a business?.

But, we do none of the above. In stead, we keep doing the same things that we have been doing, never changing, never doing our job, never taking a first step, never getting back on to that derailed wagon? We live in a perpetual state of inertia, watching life go by, and then wonder why things go wrong!

Why is it so hard for us to get out of inertia? Why are we not motivated, even when the rewards far, far outweigh the risks and the results are disproportionately high compared to the effort? What is holding us back from living the life we desire and deserve?

It is tempting to call it sheer laziness. We have all felt it, and been charmed by it. How do you counter this enemy? How do you stop being lazy and start working? How do we beat this sneaky, fascinating and poisonous enemy?

The key is to just do it. That is harder than it sounds!

But, here are some things that would help. A to-do list, in fact. It might help you as much as it helps me!

1. Figure out what you should be doing right now.

2. Take all distractions and dump them in another room, if possible. That includes the cell phone, internet, games, books for idle reading, movies, friends, junk food, bed.. Whatever it is that tempts you, get it out of your sight.

3. Have everything ready for your work. Set up your desk, and let it have things that you need.

4. Write down a motivating, simple quote, and keep it handy. Something along the lines of ?I will give up tomorrow, not today?, or ?success and nothing else? or ?stop staring and start working!? might help!

5. Getting started is sometimes the hardest part. There are no shortcuts to it, just get started. The momentum will come, as you get going. So, close this website and start working! (Okay, maybe you can stop to share this page or leave a comment! ;) ) Good luck!

Related posts:

  1. 4 steps to achieve any dream in life
  2. 3 steps to success
  3. 5 steps to Simple, Inspirational and Managable (SIM) Goals


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