Monday, November 26, 2012

Internet Marketing Australia | Social Media Management | Logan ...

Like children, online marketing platforms too go through growing pains before they come of age. 2012 can be classified as the year social media matured. Admittedly it has grown at an alarming rate since social media officially become a ?baby? in 2004. So what are some of the most influential changes in 2012?


  • Social Media Platforms & Smart Phones

Smart phones and tablets/iPad became a serious contender for any business and presented an opportunity for all marketers. This year, if smart mobile sales are any indication, mobile is here to stay! Even Facebook acknowledged that mobile offers the biggest opportunity and threat to its business. But Facebook countered that by buying Instagram and going all out on its mobile app.

  • Google+ ? A Social Media Networking Platform?

Several experts including?its creators say?? Google+ is not a social network. According, to Vic Gundotra, Google+ is an upgrade to Google?s existing portfolio. There have been several interesting developments this year with Google Local and Google Events. Experts are awaiting for Google Hangouts to be extended to enterprise.

Smartphones and mobile applications have given rise to the smart shopper. Consumers are extremely adept in searching for customised deals based on their location. There is no one size fits all strategy any more. Customers need to be targeted individually based on their browsing habits and social media engagement.

It is not enough to have a great marketing strategy. Peer recommendations and customer reviews are the future. Statistics?show that?consumers are more inclined to make a purchase that has been recommended by a peer. Your marketing is not just from within the company any more. The most influential marketer is your consumer. In the digital age, the customer holds all the power.

  • Moving towards Touch Activated Devices

Most electronic devices are now touch activated. Phones, tablets and now laptops. With smart phones and tablets set to overtake PC sales in 2013, the world is going to be touch! Businesses need to gear for this and ensure the websites, applications and other digital marketing material are touch activated.

These are the top influencers of the Social.Local.Mobile revolution in 2012. The 2013 looks to be the year when localised search, smartphones, tablets and mobile applications really take off!

This article is first in a four part series. Next week, we will look at the biggest changes in Facebook and Twitter this year!


About Logan Nathan

Social Media Business Consultant | Social.Local.Mobile Marketing-Strategist | Speaker | Trainer

Based in Sydney, Australia, Logan has been an avid & passionate social media user since the advent of Facebook. ?As the Social Media Business Consultant with over 30 years? experience in corporate, SME business, together with running his own organisation for the past eight years. Logan is focused on guiding organisations through the four stages of social media for business ? Education, Strategy, Implementation and On-going Management. If your business needs expert assistance on creating a custom Social Media, Web Presence Optimisation Strategies and Mobile Applications, contact us via? Logan is also an expert on use of major Social Media sites for Business (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn). He is running a series of customised workshops for companies in Australia and overseas. Contact Logan via? more information.


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