Monday, November 5, 2012

Sweden : Postdoctoral Research Opportunities in Molecular ...

Several fellowships are open for candidates interested in doing postdoctoral research in the highly interactive and multidisciplinary research environment UCMR ? Ume? Centre for Microbial Research at Ume? University, Sweden (up to two years full-time appointment).

UCMR includes The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) ? the Swedish node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine. MIMS-UCMR researchers combine a strong molecular infection biology programme with chemical biology to clarify molecular mechanisms of microbial infections and aim to develop novel sustainable strategies to combat the increasing problems with microbial resistance to current antibiotics. The UCMR Linnaeus and MIMS research groups are now offering opportunities for postdoctoral research.

The programme is open to all nationalities and features of the positions include:

  • Development of a project proposal forms the basis for recruitment
  • Funding for research within a multidisciplinary environment
  • Two years of secure funding
  • Access to MIMS-UCMR core facilities and technical platforms in chemical biology and advanced imaging.

Candidates for the MIMS-UCMR postdoc programme are encouraged to design their own research project, and pre-discuss their application with MIMS-UCMR PI:s before submission. In addition, or instead of providing an entirely self-defined project, candidates may also select up to two of the MIMS-UCMR project ideas listed below. These ideas should then be developed into full research project proposals by the candidates. Project PI:s should be contacted to discuss projects.


The application should include: (i) a cover letter summarizing your qualifications and motives for applying, (ii) a short research proposal of approximately 2 pages describing a self-defined project or up to two proposals based on project ideas listed below, (iii) a Curriculum Vitae, (iv) a publication list, (v) the names and contact details of at least two references.

Applicants should have a PhD degree in research fields relevant for the position. The degree should, preferably, not be older than 3 years (by application deadline).

The application must be submitted electronically and all documents should be included in one single file in PDF format.

For further information, please contact Bernt Eric Uhlin, scientific coordinator of MIMS and UCMR, +46-(0)90-785 6731,

Union information is available from SACO, +46-(0)90-786 53 65, SEKO, +46-(0)90-786 52 96 and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31.

Your complete application, marked with reference number 315-838-12, should be sent to (state the reference number as subject) or to the Registrar, Ume? University, SE-901 87 Ume?, Sweden to arrive November 19, 2012 at the latest.

Further Information

Application Deadline : 19 November 2012

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Posted on 2012-11-04 09:37:09

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